Friday, 23 July 2010

A Speciesist Society

We cry over one animal use yet laugh at and create demand for another.
Single issue campaigns play a large role in continuing our selectiveness. One animal is endangered and therefore important, yet another is just a 'farm animal' - our use and harm towards them is 'normal'. But who made them 'farm animals'? At one point, in the past, they were wild just like, for example, dolphins. How is moving dolphins from the wild into captivity any different to taking wild cows or wild sheep, for example, and breeding them for use in a farming system? There is no real difference, only a difference within our minds. A difference created by a society that is based around rulers, economy and discrimination.
I'm not in any way saying that we should do nothing for the dolphins who are endangered and yet still are being exploited, but instead that we should do it properly - not choose to end just some forms of exploitation.
We must end all exploitation - Every single being matters.
To do this we must be Vegan.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Veganism is the only way, I have noticed a huge growth over the last 5 years or so, it seems to more accepted now, our festivals have grown exponentially and our online vegan marketplace is hugely successful.
