Friday, 23 July 2010

TV Ads - Promoting welfare as the way to respect nonhumans:

I often notice TV adverts cropping up one after another and often more frequently now than in the past when regarding animal welfare. Welfare is being used as a way of encouraging consumers to continue with their consuming of animal products, with comments such as, 'Good for the cows' (Ben & Jerry's), 'Our fresh meat never flies anywhere' (Morrisson's) or, 'Thankyou cows!' (Muller). Words such as 'organic' and 'local' are used to make the consumer believe that somehow this means the animal is better off. In reality however, the animal is just nearer to the slaughter house and supermarket shelf, or fed on organic grains, moved from one torture method to another. He or she is still being used by us as a slave. We raise them to be our slaves, take their babies and take their lives, all for a yoghurt, a tub of ice cream, a boiled egg or a slice of get the idea here. These adverts are dishonest and disrespectful.

They make out our use of other animals to be almost humourous and miss the point completely when they promote welfare to be the way forward to help the animals. Abolition is the only way we can help the animals. To help them we must stop using them. Our use of other animals is for convenience and pleasure.

Below are some links to sites from the businesses I have mentioned when discussing the misleading nature of their adverts. I found some incredibly misleading messages and dishonest information being given when looking through their website pages as well as the adverts I have quoted from. They fail to mention the truthes behind the use of nonhumans as they see no problem with it and they continue to pass this attitude onto other people. - Video 24

Minds have to change.
We wouldn't do it to other humans - Don't do it to them.
This form of discrimination - the discrimination of species, is no more morally acceptable than any other form of discrimination.
Start now - leave it no longer. Go Vegan.

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