Wednesday, 6 October 2010

UK Vegan Festival this month!

festival banner 10
If you are nearby the Midlands, UK this is the place to be for plenty of information on Veganism - It will be incredibly helpful to any of you who have recently gone or are considering going Vegan. Check it out!

Friday, 23 July 2010

TV Ads - Promoting welfare as the way to respect nonhumans:

I often notice TV adverts cropping up one after another and often more frequently now than in the past when regarding animal welfare. Welfare is being used as a way of encouraging consumers to continue with their consuming of animal products, with comments such as, 'Good for the cows' (Ben & Jerry's), 'Our fresh meat never flies anywhere' (Morrisson's) or, 'Thankyou cows!' (Muller). Words such as 'organic' and 'local' are used to make the consumer believe that somehow this means the animal is better off. In reality however, the animal is just nearer to the slaughter house and supermarket shelf, or fed on organic grains, moved from one torture method to another. He or she is still being used by us as a slave. We raise them to be our slaves, take their babies and take their lives, all for a yoghurt, a tub of ice cream, a boiled egg or a slice of get the idea here. These adverts are dishonest and disrespectful.

They make out our use of other animals to be almost humourous and miss the point completely when they promote welfare to be the way forward to help the animals. Abolition is the only way we can help the animals. To help them we must stop using them. Our use of other animals is for convenience and pleasure.

Below are some links to sites from the businesses I have mentioned when discussing the misleading nature of their adverts. I found some incredibly misleading messages and dishonest information being given when looking through their website pages as well as the adverts I have quoted from. They fail to mention the truthes behind the use of nonhumans as they see no problem with it and they continue to pass this attitude onto other people. - Video 24

Minds have to change.
We wouldn't do it to other humans - Don't do it to them.
This form of discrimination - the discrimination of species, is no more morally acceptable than any other form of discrimination.
Start now - leave it no longer. Go Vegan.

A Speciesist Society

We cry over one animal use yet laugh at and create demand for another.
Single issue campaigns play a large role in continuing our selectiveness. One animal is endangered and therefore important, yet another is just a 'farm animal' - our use and harm towards them is 'normal'. But who made them 'farm animals'? At one point, in the past, they were wild just like, for example, dolphins. How is moving dolphins from the wild into captivity any different to taking wild cows or wild sheep, for example, and breeding them for use in a farming system? There is no real difference, only a difference within our minds. A difference created by a society that is based around rulers, economy and discrimination.
I'm not in any way saying that we should do nothing for the dolphins who are endangered and yet still are being exploited, but instead that we should do it properly - not choose to end just some forms of exploitation.
We must end all exploitation - Every single being matters.
To do this we must be Vegan.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

A Guide to Veganism

When speaking to others about Veganism I often hear, 'I could go Vegetarian but couldn't manage Vegan!' Usually for reasons such as not being able to 'live without cheese' and the likes. The truth is, Vegetarianism does not stop the use of nonhuman animals and use is the problem. We will never be able to abolish the exploitation of other beings whilst we continue to consume animal products in any way shape or form. Vegetarianism still creates suffering and death on other animals, you are just choosing who you want to continue to harm and how you will continue to harm them (by taking their secretions instead of their flesh).
In many ways, if you increase you dairy intake when being vegetarian, you will not be reducing the death and suffering of animals at all and may be actually increasing the role you have in creating the demand for death and suffering to occur. Vegetarianism falsely 'clears' our conscience, as we think we are helping when in fact, we are still continuing to create demand for the use of others. It will never help to work towards the strive for abolishing the explotation of nonhuman animals.
We use other animals because we like the taste, feel and look of the products we can force them to produce - There is nothing morally justifiable about this whatsoever.
If you want to stop the use and unnecessary harm we inflict upon these beings then you must become Vegan.

And I'm going to help you!

Becoming Vegan:

You may feel like gradual steps to Veganism work best for you, changing one thing at a time (If this is so, make sure, however,  not to let the gradual changes drag for too long. There is an element of 'just getting on with it' involved). Start off by changing your main meals, followed by all the snacks and drinks you have, then clothes/shoes, any make-up you may use, household cleaning products and so on. Eventually all the animal products you used will have been switched with Vegan ones.
You may feel that it will work better just to change everything straightaway. If this is the case, gather all the research you need and go for it!

It is best to make sure the products you buy are stated to be Vegan or approved by the Vegan Society (or equivalent). Products like these can be bought via online Vegan stores as well as major supermarkets and health stores. It is still important to check the ingredients and manufacturing information on products as mistakes can be made and some products may be stated Vegan even when produced in factories on lines handling dairy and eggs (these products are not Vegan as the lines are not cleaned often enough).

Get a list put together of all animal products. This can become rather extensive but it is important, particularly if you decide to look into buying products that could be Vegan but do not have any statement or approval. When I went Vegan I made a similar sort of list and found it very helpful when looking about. It also helped to inform me of what the ingredients actually were. Even since then (2007), options have become so widely available within many major supermarkets and more Vegan shops are popping up.

Clothes - It is pretty easy to shop in the high street shops still if you wish to. Just make sure there are no animal products used to make the clothing, such as wool, mohair, silk, leather (check the labels). Synthetic shoes from high street stores will most likely be held together using a glue containing animal ingredients, therefore Vegan stores will be the way to go here. There are numerous online Vegan shoe stores as well as some you can visit (Please see my links).

Residential Trips - These are something I have experienced numerous times! State that you are Vegan and they will cater. Often eating the basics is a safe and healthy option too - potato, vegetables, fruit and salad. Taking some raw fruit and nut bars along with you comes in very handy too (TREK & NAK'D bars here in the UK are good).

Eating Out - Go to places with Vegan options, or better still, all Vegan places! A meal in is often just as nice if not nicer too! Get some Vegan cook books and make a nice meal.

Vegan Recipe Books: (Just a few cookery book suggestions)

'Animal Free Shopper', 8th Edition, The Vegan Society
'Another Dinner Is Possible', Mike & Isy
'A Vegan Taste of Greece', Linda Majslik
'Vegan Cooking for One', Leah Leneman

Supermarkets Supplying Good Vegan Products: (UK)


Please see my links section, which has some good stores listed.

You learn as you go and you will gradually become more confident. Always keep in mind why you are doing it and who you are doing it for. If you are ever questioned, be confident about it and do not feel like you should keep it quiet. If you, like many, know that nonhuman animals should be given equal consideration and that they should not be, under law or in any other way, classed as 'things' but instead as persons, then go Vegan and tell others why you are Vegan - You may just help them make the shift.

As long as you aim to become Vegan, do it and remain consistent throughout your life, then you have done what needs to be done in order to work towards the abolition of all animal exploitation.

Photograph supplied by Benny

[If you are working on becoming Vegan and would like to talk, please do not hesitate to email me - my email can be found in my profile to the left].

Monday, 28 June 2010

Making a Tourist Attraction from Her Suffering & the Death of Her Calves - Isle of Mull, 'Cheese Farm':

Video of the cows being used at 'Cheese Farm' -
Please take the time to watch.

The cows on 'Cheese Farm' on the Isle of Mull, Scotland spend their days the same as any other dairy cow - kept on a continous cycle of pregnancy throughout their lives as a dairy cow, having their calves taken from them so that we can use the milk meant for their calves, being milked up to three times a day. This does not include the further death and suffering when considering the calves. The calves will either be reared to do the same as their mother or, if male, will be killed (as they are not 'suitable' for meat production) or sent to veal farms not long after birth. You can actually visit 'Cheese Farm' to purchase some local 'Isle of Mull Cheese' and sit in the tearoom to enjoy a milky cup of tea or coffee.

This all paints a pretty picture, to omnivores and vegetarians, of lush pastures with happy cows roaming around, more than happy to let us take their milk. It covers up the truth - the suffering and death caused just to produce the cheese and the milk in those teas and coffees. Just because an animal product is local, organic and the animal being used has stretch upon stretch of lush green fields to wander in a setting as beautiful as the Isle of Mull, does certainly not mean the animals live a life absent of the intentional harm caused by us, humans. To state that consuming animal products that are organic, free range and local is a morally good thing to do is wrong and incredibly misleading. This makes those of us who are unaware of the facts think that we are doing a good thing for the animals when the contrary is actually the truth. We are merely helping to support the use of nonhuman animals. The cows are still being used by us for our unnecessary desires.

On 'Cheese Farm', the cows had white numbers on the top of their thighs. They had yellow tags in their ears and what appeared to be leather collars round their necks. They have been labelled, numbered and tagged just like the products on our store shelves. Why are they less important than ourselves? Differences in cognitive abilities should not in any way lead to someone being used as a slave. The majority of us will agree with that on a human level and the only thing stopping us from agreeing with it on a nonhuman level is our Speciesism. Where is their inherent value? They should not be resources.

They have sentience. They feel the effects of what we inflict upon them and when I was walking past 'Cheese Farm' I could see the effects - Sore udders, weak hips and sad eyes as we deprive them of strength through physical harm and the property status we put upon them. As we take their children from them each and every time. We need the time to come where 'Cheese Farm' and all other locations of animal agriculture no longer exist. Let it be replaced with arable agriculture and let the existing nonhumans find sanctuary while they live out their days as they wish. Let us stop bringing lives into the world who are only ever to be used as slaves - This is immoral.

Go Vegan - It's the least we can do and it will end their slavery.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Vegan Recipes

Now you know ‘Why Vegan’ and some facts of the ‘Animal Industry’, here’s a quick and delicious cookie recipe to get you started on your way to Veganism.

Banana Everything Cookies / ‘Jaja Cookies’!
(Recipe taken from - Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar)

(High energy cookie mix)

These are yummy and so quick to make.
You can improvise by adding whatever you like after you have the banana and oat base. Some of my improvisations have been added below.
The oats give them a lovely soft and chewy texture as well as providing you with nutritional benefit.
And the best part - They are animal product free, so nobody is used just for your enjoyment.

Give them a go...The only thing you may regret is the fact that you ate them all!


1 ripe banana

1/3 cup sunflower/canola oil

2/3 cup unrefined sugar

1 tsp vanilla

¾ cup plain flour

½ tsp baking soda

¼ tsp salt

2 cups rolled oats

Then for the fun part – adding the bits and pieces!

Add cinnamon (how ever much you like)

½ cup walnuts

½ cup chocolate chip-sized chunks

½ cup sultanas/raisins

If you are looking to make a more nutritious and high-energy based cookie, I found the following mix of ingredients to go down very well:

½ cup mixed dried berries

¼ cup pumpkin seeds

¼ cup hemp seeds

½ cup chocolate chip-sized chunks

½ cup hazlenuts/almonds

Something a little more chocolately:

Cocoa powder (how ever much you like)

½ cup hazlenuts/almonds

½ cup chocolate ship-sized chunks

Whatever you like really!


1. Using a mixing bowl, mash the banana well with a fork/your hands (make sure they are clean first though!)

2. Add the oil and sugar and mix well with a fork

3. Add the flour, baking soda, salt and any vegan powdered spice/flavour you like

4. Mix these ingredients well, until the mixture is quite moist

5. Now it’s time to add the oats, any nuts, seeds and chocolate you have chosen to put in and to mix really well with your hands to make sure it is all well distributed and stuck together

6. Make small balls with the dough and place on an oiled baking tray

7. Flatten the balls with the palm of your hand, making sure there is a reasonable gap between each disc shape

8. Bake for 10-15 minutes (depending on how browned you would like your cookies) in a preheated oven (200 Degrees Celsius)

9. Leave to cool on the baking trays once finished in the oven and once they are slightly hardened, twist and lift to remove them from the tray and place on a cooling tray for a further 10 minutes

10. Enjoy!

Tips – If your dough mixture is too greasy, add a few more teaspoons of flour. If your dough mixture is too dry and not sticking, add a little more oil until the mixture holds better.

Give it a go :-)

Friday, 11 June 2010

Animal Industry Facts: A brief insight into the lives of the animals rose for our own benefits, to create unnecessary products for our own consumption

Poultry – Whether the birds are battery or cage free they are subjected to debeaking. As the result of confined spaces many become crippled and suffer from heart and lung failure. This all leads to their slaughter, 40-42 days later. In natural conditions a chicken can live up until the ages of 7-12 years.

Eggs – Even free-range eggs come from birds kept in groups of up to 16,000 per shed. They can also still legally be debeaked. When a hen starts to produce fewer eggs she loses her ‘value’ and is sent to slaughter in order to fill pies and the likes. All egg consumption contributes to the murder of any male chick born by an egg-laying bred hen as their meat does not meet certain standards. They are killed immediately through gassing, neck dislocation or shredding devices.

Dairy – A glass of milk is no more morally defensible than a plate of steak. Cows are kept within a cycle of pregnancy throughout their lives in order to produce milk. They can be milked up to 3 times per day by machines the majority of the time. Due to the stress caused throughout this process she will have decreased fertility levels within a few years and will therefore be replaced and used as low graded meat. The Male calves born during this cycle required to produce milk for our own pleasure, are of an 'incorrect' breed to be used for meat and are therefore either slaughtered or sent to veal farms.

Pigs – Piglets are naturally weaned at ~4-5 months but in the pig industry can be removed in up to 4 weeks. They will then experience trauma in the forms of tail docking, teeth clipping and castration for the males. After ~six weeks they go to ‘fattening pens’ and the majority are slaughtered at the age of 6 months. Naturally, pigs can live to the ages of 15-20 years.

Fish – In the fish-farming industry, fish can be starved for two weeks before they go to slaughter to avoid contaminated flesh when being gutted, which will affect flesh quality when being consumed. Methods of slaughter include: clubbing, CO2 filled stunning tanks and air or ice suffocation. These all subject the fish to prolonged suffering and result in unnecessary death.

Honey – To produce honey, beeswax and other products produced by bees, the queen is artificially inseminated by the sperm of decapitated bees on a routinely basis. After 2 years, when her egg-laying capability decreases, she is replaced. During this process, her wings are clipped so that the hive remains in a set location. To save feeding bees during the winter, colonies are often killed. Farming bees adds to the pressures that wild bees face along with other pollinating insects.

(The Vegan Society 2008)

Our use of animals does not end here. Additionally, we continue to use wool, silk, shellac, leather, cochineal, fur and consume other animal fleshes and secretions. They are all forms of exploitation.

For further information on the above as well as other animals we use for animal products, please visit or purchase the ‘Animal Free Shopper, 8th Edition’ by The Vegan Society. Or both!

For up-to-date statistics on monthly/yearly animal slaughter numbers in the UK, please visit


The Vegan Society (2008) Animal Free Shopper. 8th edition. The Vegan Society, Birmingham, UK

Let Us Abolish All Animal Exploitation - Because We Can.

The majority of human persons will admit that it is immoral to inflict unnecessary suffering on any animal (human or non-human) - Yet we take part in this unnecessary suffering each and every single day, when we buy that dairy, when we buy that flesh, when we buy those eggs. When we look in the mirror to put our make-up on and when we put those new boots on we purchased the other day. Our demand for animal products ensures that the exploitation and death of non-human animals continues.

What can we do?

Go Vegan. It's that simple.

We need to help one another towards Veganism and continue to educate more and more each and every day. We need to give homes to those who need homes and we need to remain consistence within Veganism in order to make it clear that no animal use at all is morally defensible.

Regulating animal use will only ever make people feel comfortable with continuing consuming animal products. We need to set the bar at the aim - To abolish animal use through changing our attitudes towards non-human animals, by seeing them as persons and not things.

If we are to practice what the majority of us agree with and stop what we know is so wrong, we must become Vegan and remain Vegan for life. This is the only way that the abolition of animal use will ever come about. It may take time but one by one the demand for animal products will decrease.

Veganism is our obligation to the more vunerable persons amongst us. We can change for them...Please trust me and all the others who say this - It isn't too difficult.

Thursday, 10 June 2010


Hi There,

This blog will provide information on veganism and the abolition of animal exploitation through the use of notes on things I see when out and about as well as links and blogs that provide more in-depth information.

It will almost be like a guide to becoming vegan, which will include tips on where to start, recipe ideas and a store list that will fulfil your vegan needs :)

I hope someone, if not many will find this helpful in becoming vegan and staying vegan - for life.

Take care!